Tags → #python
You've probably written similar code at some point in your career - now it's in Python's std lib.
TIL: Python's min and max functions have a key argument.
Today I learnt that Python's builtin functions have a key argument.
Creating my personal toolbelt Python package.
Quick note about my-toolbelt package - what it does (or will do) and why I created it.
Learning FastAPI (#1)
My notes from learning FastAPI - part 1. Defining routes, path and query parameters.
Generating a Range of Dates in Python (standard library)
A recipe for generating a range of dates in Python (using only standard library).
Python and itertools.count()
What itertools.count() is and how you can it use it in your Python applications.
PyPy vs CPython duel: 1 billion rows challenge.
Measuring pypy's performance improvement against cpython app (for a trivial 1 billion rows challenge app).
Python: str.format and str.format_map differences
Short article describing the differences between format and format_map string methods.
Introducing QuestOfPython.dev - my side project
A few words about my side project called Quest Of Python (free programming exercises for Python).
Removing non-empty directory in Python
How to recursively remove non-empty directory in Python using stanrad library.