You've probably written similar code at some point in your career - now it's in Python's std lib.
TIL: Python's min and max functions have a key argument.
Today I learnt that Python's builtin functions have a key argument.
BigQuery tip: copying results to clipboard.
Quick tip about copying small results from BigQuery - you can copy them into the clipboard!
Creating my personal toolbelt Python package.
Quick note about my-toolbelt package - what it does (or will do) and why I created it.
Listing partitions of a table in BigQuery
How to get list of all table's partition without querying the table directly.
Learning FastAPI (#1)
My notes from learning FastAPI - part 1. Defining routes, path and query parameters.
Generating a Range of Dates in Python (standard library)
A recipe for generating a range of dates in Python (using only standard library).
MySQL: Gotcha when filtering enum fields.
Interesting (and weird) behaviour of MySQL enum field - don't let it fool you!
TIL: Resetting single stream in Airbyte
Leaving myself a note about what I'd like to get better at in 2024.
DBT: Ensure that environment variable is set during dbt run.
DBT: Ensure that environment variable is set during dbt run (but does not raise an error if variable is not set during dbt compile).