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Jakub Szafran

Python and itertools.count()

/ 3 min read

A short post about itertools.count() (an infinite counter).

What does itertools.count() do?

itertools.count(start=0, step=1) creates an iterator that returns evenly spaced numbers.

>>> foo = itertools.count()
>>> foo
>>> next(foo)
>>> next(foo)
>>> next(foo)

Above snippet uses default values for start and step but you can adjust them if needed:

>>> foo_with_start = itertools.count(5)
>>> next(foo_with_start)
>>> next(foo_with_start)
>>> foo_with_start_and_step = itertools.count(5, 10)
>>> next(foo_with_start_and_step)
>>> next(foo_with_start_and_step)
>>> next(foo_with_start_and_step)

It’s mandatory to use integers as arguments - non-integer values will work fine too:

>>> foo_floats = itertools.count(1.0, .25)
>>> next(foo_floats)
>>> next(foo_floats)
>>> next(foo_floats)
>>> next(foo_floats)
>>> next(foo_floats)

Usage examples

Here are some situations where you can leverage itertools.count().

Adding counter to existing data

Let’s say you have a list of datapoints and you need to zip it with a counter. This can be easily done with itertools.count():

>>> data = [1.245, 1.123, 1.023, 1.231, 1.052]
>>> list(zip(itertools.count(1), data))
    (1, 1.245),
    (2, 1.123),
    (3, 1.023),
    (4, 1.231),
    (5, 1.052)

Emulating database sequence object

When writing scripts for generating fake data for various kind of tests, I’d often write a generator function that would emulate the database sequence object:

def db_sequence() -> int:
    num = 1
    while True:
        yield num
        num += 1

Upon calling with next, this generator object would return consecutive integer numbers:

>>> seq = db_sequence()
>>> next(seq)
>>> next(seq)
>>> next(seq)

And final exemplary script for generating fake records could look like this:

from random import choice
from typing import Any, Dict, List

FIRST_NAMES = ["John", "Adam", "Philip"]
LAST_NAMES = ["Doe", "Sandler", "Glass"]

def db_sequence() -> int:
    num = 1
    while True:
        yield num
        num += 1

db_seq = db_sequence()

def generate_records(batch_size: int=1) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    return [
            "id": next(db_seq),
            "first_name": choice(FIRST_NAMES),
            "last_name": choice(LAST_NAMES),
        for _ in range(batch_size)

And now, when calling generate_records function multiple times, id value is increasing with every record:

>>> generate_records(5)
[{'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Adam', 'last_name': 'Doe'},
 {'id': 2, 'first_name': 'Philip', 'last_name': 'Glass'},
 {'id': 3, 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Doe'},
 {'id': 4, 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Glass'},
 {'id': 5, 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Sandler'}]
>>> generate_records(5)
[{'id': 6, 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Sandler'},
 {'id': 7, 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Sandler'},
 {'id': 8, 'first_name': 'Philip', 'last_name': 'Sandler'},
 {'id': 9, 'first_name': 'Philip', 'last_name': 'Sandler'},
 {'id': 10, 'first_name': 'Adam', 'last_name': 'Glass'}]

Whole definition of db_sequence() function can be removed and db_seq variable should be assigned with itertools.count():

import itertools
from random import choice
from typing import Any, Dict, List

FIRST_NAMES = ["John", "Adam", "Philip"]
LAST_NAMES = ["Doe", "Sandler", "Glass"]

db_seq = itertools.count(1)

def generate_records(batch_size: int=1) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    return [
            "id": next(db_seq),
            "first_name": choice(FIRST_NAMES),
            "last_name": choice(LAST_NAMES),
        for _ in range(batch_size)

There’s no difference in behaviour of these two versions and the latter one is a bit shorter.


This post described on of the infinite iterators available in itertools module (count()). I’ll describe the other two (count() and repeat()) in a separate posts.

Best Regards,

(6/52) This is a 6th post from my blogging challenge (publishing 52 posts in 2024).